Project Details
In May of 2023, Gino and the Inspired Artisans team were invited by Marquette University to submit a proposal for a new sculpture installation. The artwork was intended to express the "ideals, virtues, and values of St. Ignatius of Loyola," to be prominently displayed in a plaza garden next to the student union. After the proposal review and interviews, Inspired Artisans was awarded the honor of creating the piece.
Through collaborative meetings with the university’s committee, the concept of the sculpture was refined. The final design featured St. Ignatius seated in a welcoming posture, cast in bronze, with his arm outstretched as if inviting someone to sit and engage in conversation. The artwork prominently displayed his famous words, "Go forth and set the world aflame," along with a bronze cast of the Society of Jesus symbol.
Every detail of St. Ignatius’s appearance was carefully considered, from his vestments and shoes to his gaze and gesture. The statue was installed in time for its dedication on May 20th, 2024—a meaningful date that marks St. Ignatius’s conversion, when he was struck by a cannonball more than 500 years ago.
Bronze - Life Sized
1250 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53233